Friday, March 12, 2010

Oh happy day...

Hey everyone! I can't believe its the weekend already, it feels like this year is moving so fast! Well yesterday I went to a Open mike night at my school that was in honor of women's HERstory month, It's thrown by an organization that I was part of when I was in college. Their were a lot of really inspiring spoken words and poems that were said plus lots of very talented singers and performers.

headband and shirt from f21, sweater, skirt, tights, belt from Old Navy, books from the swapmeet and bracelet from the philippines
Here's a close up of the bracelet. I was really obsessed with these mahjong bracelets back in the day, I have about 8 of them, and i decided to start wearing them again. But the reason why i really was into them was because in the movie "America's Sweethearts" Julia Roberts is wearing a wooden mahjong bracelet and I feel in love with it. So when I went to the philippines in search of that bracelet, I never found a wooden one but i found a lot like the one above and bought a lot of colors! hehe :)

After the open mike, my friend and I slept at our friends place in LA because we volunteered for million meals for Hati and it was at 8 in the mourning in LA, so it would be a better commute there in the mourning. If you didn't know LA traffic is the worse especially in the mourning.
But yeah it was a really fun experience, I really enjoyed it. It's a beautiful thing to see so many individuals working together for one goal. It really made this weekend start off in a great way! :) Below is a picture of the bags of food we were packing for the Hati relief and I thought what it said was cute that's why i took a picture of it!

It says, "This food is to be given freely because Jesus loves little children."

I hope you all have a great weekend!!! :)


  1. The bracelet's cute! Volunteering sounds so much fun and so rewarding, go you :)

  2. oh i totally want a mahjong bracelet! that's so cool!!

    that's awesome that you're volunteering! go you!

  3. Everytime someone writes about Philippines I'm like, oooh I miss Philippines *sad face* Real nice bracelet.
    And that is so nice that you're volunteering, giving back to the people that needs it is really good thing, good work!

  4. Great color combo!! Isnt volunteering amazing! aaaahhhh!

  5. cute outfit!

    I'm a new follower. Please check out my blog as well when you get a chance and follow if you like : )

  6. look at u, cutie pie! and keep on serving girl, its an awesome thing!


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